The internet is going to offer millions of gift ideas for the holidays, many taken out of a hat, so we though why not hear ours. This site’s focus has been highlighted on providing you with the right ideas in order to make the perfect lifestyle choices. Following in this vein, we have something to add about gift ideas as well.

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Back when I started this site I’ve read what was probably a library worth of articles on mindful living and experiencing the benefits of living in the moment. It took about three years though to finally start taking this thing seriously and give it the extended treatment and attention it deserves.

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I love the process of trying to understand a new language; to figure out some meaning based on the most rudimentary of sentences, and then go ahead and try uttering some words; half intelligible, making a fool of myself at times. But that’s the thing though – if you are not prepared to be wrong, you will never come up with the amount of creative output required in order to pronounce utterances, form a sentence, catch an accent.

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The emotional quality of our lives is dictated mostly by our perception and how we decide to interpret things that are going on both outside, as well as within ourselves. But in order for our interpretation to match reality and what is really taking place, it is necessary to get in touch with ourselves- to feel every underlying mood, emotional depth, even bodily sensations.

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Keeping the relationship dynamic intact while going through the chores of everyday life seems next to impossible. Things change, for better or for worse, but we all somehow romanticize over the idea of keeping the flames up, trying to hold on to whatever chemistry it was that brought us together for dear life.

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