My fiancé is a fitness machine. He can do his garden variety of impressive stunts, and looks like a freaking roman statue. Me? I am different in many ways. I like to keep duck-tape solutions in my back pocket. If more can be done with less, I’m game.

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If you try and make a graphic sketch of all the months in your life, you will quickly come to realize that one month is a very short time frame. Perception changes dramatically when you see small and insignificant squares aligned next to one another, but for the purpose of this article that’s exactly where I want you to be.

On the other side of the spectrum though, when you look across the trajectory of a person’s life, nothing is being measured by the same units. Years of studying in exchange of a better prospect, relationships that take time to build, and a whole eternity spent on autopilot doing mundane tasks hoping to move your life’s needle in some direction.

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Owning a website about personal improvement and fitness gives you a detached perspective on what people think about, what they like, and where they devote attention to. Marketing and personal interest aside, this observation has a way of captivating me through and through. January, predictably, is a time frame where most of our articles on…

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The model I’m about to describe sits on top of affiliate earnings. That being said, you will earn money by sending people to buy a product. What is the product, you ask? A bottle of pills or capsules, or a spray or cream or some other product… Any kind will do. And before this starts to…

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When starting an online business, you are usually looking at all the basic perimeters. A site, traffic source, content, product etc. What if I tell you that all of this can be erased and you will only need a basic model to learn and remember? It goes like this: You set up a Fb fan…

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