Intense Ab Workout At Home [Full Workout Video]

Why on Earth would anybody need an intense ab workout? Can you just eat healthy, do your cardio, and hope for the best? Well, sorry to break it to you like this, but the answer is definitely no. If you’ve been trying to get shredded abs with different exercises to no avail, welcome to the six-pack drama. You’re not alone. I’m going to tell you why you’ve been failing repeatedly before, and unveil the hardest ab workout from our fitness program.

Intense Ab Workout

The abdominal section is one of the hardest muscle groups to target. Even though the core is active throughout the entire day, assisting you with almost every movement, there’re plenty of headaches when it comes to developing a pack of shredded abs. How come?

Well, much to your disappointment, isolating the core is next to impossible. Even if you take an intense ab workout, there is hardly any guarantee that you’ll target specific abdominal muscles in isolation, providing the necessary stress.

Besides, intense ab workouts hurt like mad, both during and after the session is over, leaving you miserable for days on end. So if you are wondering how to get shredded abs, you must tackle this issue as well, figuring out how to make things more convenient.

Finally, doing an intense ab workout at home is super challenging since you won’t have the necessary equipment. Like for example a Roman bench, weight plates, and a garden variety of fitness gadgets that can help you put more stress on the lower abs, upper abs and obliques.

So how can you step over these obstacles and design a shredded abs workout? Well, you won’t have to. I’ve been obsessed with six pack abs for a couple of years, digging through as many information as I could get my hands on. At the end, I’ve designed the shortest and most effective intense ab workout at home. Scroll through the next chapters, and you’ll learn how I came up with it, why it is so effective, and finally try it for yourself.

My promise:

This workout was hidden behind a pay wall, but I’ve decided to share it for free. Here is my promise – you’ll have the most fun you ever had doing an intense abdominal workout, and see your six pack showing after only a couple of sessions.

How did I come up with this intense ab workout?

Hardcore Ab Workout

I’ve been working with a couple of clients a few years back, while reviewing popular fitness regimens and writing about health and nutrition on a daily basis. Being obsessed with having a super strong core back then, I wanted to figure out what is the hardest ab workout.

Exactly around this time, the idea of creating Fitness Updated came to life. We were going to create a workout platform of our own, with exercises for every age and level of fitness. Naturally, I also needed to have the most intense ab workout.

The criteria were simple – the workout had to be:

  • A hardcore ab workout
  • That engages the entire core
  • Addresses the issue with pain and fatigue
  • Be fun instead of boring
  • Actually work!

The most Intense Ab Workout at home

So before we get down to business, and jump right in, let me just briefly describe the contours of this hardcore ab workout.

The main part is made of seven exercises in total, framed by a short warm-up and a much necessary cool-down. You’ll start by stretching and elevating your heart rate, and then get right into the killer abs sequence.

There are plenty of twists, slow and controlled movements, and complex hardcore repetitions, that make this shredded abs workout the most advanced ab workout you’ve ever tried.

We’ve uploaded the video on YouTube, so there is no excuse to hit that play button

This video is part of the Fitness Updated program where you can find an entire library of innovative and fun at-home workouts. The platform also features detailed nutrition, customized workout plans, and motivational guidance. We’ve worked our butts off in order to create something truly spectacular, and poured our hearts into every part of this project. If you need a complete step-by-step program for weight loss and muscle definition, just give Fitness Updated a go. You’ll be posting one of those before/after picture in no time!

Our home workout program Fitness Updated

Why is our Shredded Abs Workout so effective?

To understand this, you must first understand what most of the intense ab workouts actually lack. While there are many hardcore circuits that target the core, their main goal is to be as painful as they can. This however, is not necessarily synonymous with success.

Intense Ab Workout At Home

Our intense ab workout addresses the question of how to get shredded abs by making sure that several boxes are being checked. Here is the blueprint…

Targeting the entire core

The abdominal wall is not created just by your lower and upper abs. There are many different muscles that are part of your core, and in order to maximize gains you have to target them all.

Our intense ab circuit is designed to engage the entire abdominal area, and this is one of the reasons why most people see fast results.

Engaging your abs from different angles

The best way to stress a muscle is to engage that same muscle from different angels, creating several obstacles to which it’ll have to adapt.

You’ll be activating your slow twitch and fast twitch muscle fibers, essentially stressing the abdominal area like never before.


It is sad that many advanced ab workouts are overlooking stability as an important component of growth inducing circuits. Our intense abs workout is designed to leverage stability exercises, as part of the sequence, in order to properly engage the core.


One can argue that stability and control is essentially the same exact thing. But here is how we’ve integrated control into our intense ab circuit – every movement is deliberate, slow, without unnecessary jerks and acceleration.

Most of the hardest ab workouts rely on repetitive exercises, performed in a staccato sequence. Our intense ab workout routine is therefore different, because you’ll have to pay attention to slow movements, and hence control.

Furthermore, control is perhaps the most important factor when going through an intense lower ab workout.

Range of motion

Most crunches and sit-ups are focused on a very small range of motion. This, in my book, is a huge waste of time. Instead, you’ll want to extend your range of motion, so the entire core can participate in each and every movement.

Intense Abs Workout

Whether we are talking about an intense ab workout for women, or an intense ab workout for men, the goal is to leverage as much range of motion as we can.

Fun instead of boring

The only reason why people won’t stick with a hardcore ab workout is because most of them are repetitive and boring. You might assume that workout abandonment rates are mainly due to difficulty, but I’ve been witness to intense fitness routines that people love and keep up with for years on end. When the routine becomes boring, however, even the slightest discomfort is hard to cope with. Therefore, the most intense ab workout routine must provide sufficient distraction so you can keep going, instead of just counting the reps as you throw in the towel.

Short and intense workout for a maximum anabolic effect

Short abdominal workouts are less intense because you cannot effectively train the core within a couple of minutes. Make them long on the other hand, and you are breaking down muscle tissue faster than you can ever hope to repair it.

But put everything into a 15-minute bracket, and you have the perfect formula. With the right number of repetitions, and hardcore exercises performed one after another, this intense abdominal workout is excellent for increasing your gains.

Most of our workouts follow these criteria in order to deliver transformative results in no time. The entire Fitness Updated platform has been built on such principles, combining innovative moves with smart fitness, so you can keep your healthy habit up while creating a shredded body.

What is Fitness Updated?

In short, Fitness Updated is a workout platform. You can put down your goals and have your own personalized workout program ready and waiting.

The videos are streamed online on TV, laptop, mobile or desktop, and you can access the nutrition guide as well which is also designed according to your needs.

Home Fitness

Finally, we’ve united everything under one easy to use dashboard and made each program responsive to your feedback – if you think that your workouts are hard, or perhaps not challenging enough, our smart platform will figure this out thanks to your one-click feedback and change your program in real time. You can also make changes by yourself and keep everything tailored according to your needs.

Fitness Updated - home workout program

For now though, just enjoy our most intense ab workout, and share this article with those who are going to enjoy a good challenge. You can leave your questions or comments down below as well, so feel free to tell us how well you managed to go through one of the hardest ab workouts on the internet.

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