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Tag Archive: Lifestyle

Mar 05

Organizing your life

All of us have different goals in life. But that’s really OK. Each and every one is different in terms of likes, dislikes; each and every one has different priorities and perspectives on life. But regardless what we want, one thing that is common is the way in which we pursue that.


Some of us seem to always get what we went after, but some simply cannot find the right way. I say cannot find the right way, simply because that’s what it is. It is not that they don’t want to, or don’t try enough, but simply cannot figure out a way or approach towards their goal.


Now, I’m not going to pretend to be smarty-pants, and know the answer to this one, but there is one thing that can help a lot when trying to attain your goals. I’m also pretty sure that you will back me up on this one, because you must have read it or heard it before, and many of you probably felt the benefits of it to.




Yes, plain simple as that. Organizing your life is a key step in your pursuit for improved lifestyle.


With organizing your life you will achieve the much needed consistency, keeping your will power steady, and making sure that you are paving the right path. It is a virtue if you will, and a damn good one. And what is most important, nowadays it’s a necessity.


Organizing your life

With organizing your life you are closer to the success


Just take a look on someone who is successful in life. Or let’s not try to define success, but rather let’s say someone who is enjoying life, and finding a way to what he or she wants. The first picture you will get is of a person who is determined in what he is going after, and most of all a person who is organized and knows what to do in order to achieve his dream.


This alone reflects success, and imposes believe upon the others that no matter the current condition, that person will somehow get where he wants. Have you ever noticed that? Have you ever known just by evaluating someone’s lifestyle that you are looking at a person who is more likely to have whatever he wants? I know I have, and chances are you have experienced that too.


So the question isn’t whether or not we need some organizational structure, but rather how to organize our life, ourselves, and use it to its full potential. And that’s what we are here for. We are going to show you through series of posts about organizing your life many helpful hints about how to take your organization to the next level, and really squeeze all the good stuff out of it.


You see, throughout the internet you can find many helpful things regarding this topic, but going through all that material alone can be daunting. So one must read and read, again and again, in order to find something even remotely helpful. That’s why we are here to present you with the best information possible, without you even having to leave this site. It’s a passion of ours to read and talk about healthier, happier and more success oriented lifestyle, so we will be more than glad to share many helpful material that we are about to compose about this and many other subjects to come.


Organizing your life is one of the key factors towards fulfilling your goals, and living the life you want. Whether we are talking about career, self-improvement, family or many other areas of life, organizing them can change your lifestyle from scratch.


The first of the series of post about organizing your life will follow this week.


Till than enjoy being awesome ;)

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Mar 02

Movie vs. book: Which one do you prefer ?

I wrote about this one on couple of forums some time ago, and each and every time an interesting discussion developed between the members. I myself have always been fan of the two, and learned to appreciate each of them by what they have to offer in terms of entertainment, as well as in terms of provoking powerful emotions, carrying a strong message, challenging you in a way so mysterious, yet so seductive. So what will you go with?
A movie or a book ? Which one do you prefer ?
Although it is always quite interesting to take a side on this one just for the sake of the argument, one can clearly see the extraordinary in both sides of the fence. You are a movie fanatic, and never quite had the time to catch up on your reading? Or you are quite the literate kind of fella, and short with movie titles? Well either way, it’s your loss.

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Now first let us be clear with something; when I say movie, and try to compare with the realm of the written word, you are probably guessing that I’m not talking about some packed with action and tech effects blockbuster. No, god forbid. I’m rather talking about something that can at the least provoke some second thought.


So, you have your movie which is packed with great acting (the one that stays remembered), clever shooting, top notch directing, lines that literally leave you without words and all of that brings certain chemistry on the screen, captivates you in a way and engages you further on in giving some thought. It can provoke some deep emotion, raise some rather serious questions, and feed your intellectual as well as your curious nature. When you add the great story behind all of this, that’s it; you are hooked. Entertainment always comes as a great plus, and you’ve learned to love the thing.


Now on the other hand you have a book. Now I’m not talking about a book that is the foundation upon which this movie was made, but a completely different thing (I’ve never quite understood the comparison between a book and a movie that share the same story- I mean, there cannot be any comparison whatsoever. The thing is that the both are good only when you take them as a separate thing, and the sharing of the story just ruins the whole idea. Ok, I must admit with some exceptions to this of course).

Oh yes, the book. Well, here you have pages and pages of lines and words that are open to interpretation, and of course most of all fantasy. With a book in your hands you have the freedom to go from one place to another in expanding you imagination, and that’s not even the extend of it. The written word can uplift your imagination to the point where new thoughts and ideas are rushing through, and you are enlightened in a way. Now the same goes here as with the movies- forget about the cheap lame publishing that goes for the low and cheap of emotions. We are talking about quality work here people.

Or both

It is always interesting how with only one reading you can embed the whole thing in your head for years and years to come. The emotions it provokes, and the ideas it forms in your head can be that powerful indeed. On the other hand, you have to see a movie like couple of times throughout the years in order to truly squeeze all the juices. Ok, sometimes maybe not, but my point is that a book can be more of a something you remember longer, when on the other hand a movie can make you far more engaged and provoke you more in a certain way when it comes to the shorter time frame. It can act as a quick injection that delivers the effects right away, as opposed to the book which is more of a slower, harder to digest kind of thing.
Here you come into the game. With a book you must engage yourself furthermore by giving some second thought, and in turn you get more thought provoked and after all satisfied, wanting for more at the end. The movie can act the same way, but it is more easily digested, and the time span of the emotions it awakes can be rather small. It can in turn be more powerful packed with all that music, and scenography that the book can never serve. In terms of aesthetics it can be the jewel, and bring you some new views which are always great.
On the other hand the book can supply you with the best of words, make you became more literate, gives you the upper hand on forming your ideas and thoughts more thoroughly. That’s way I cannot distance myself from one at the dispense of another.
Have you ever thought about that? What do you like more; a movie or a book? Which one tends to bring you more in terms of ideas, powerful lasting emotions and leave your intellectual as well as curious nature more satisfied?

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Feb 24

Work related stress

work related stressWhen talking about stress related problems, the first thing one assumes is their connection with the work or work environment respectively. And more or less that’s really the case. No matter whether it is only general concern or something more complex, the thing is that every problem that occurs within the work space can affect people more than for example something happening outside of work.
So the focus falls on work related stress. Or at least some minor changes in mood that can for sure develop more and more if passed unaddressed.
On one hand jobs that are considered to be more complex, important and at some extent more volatile are known to be more stressful according to studies, than jobs that are seen as more laid back and less paid. But on the other hand, the same less stressful jobs are more risky, and more often than not poorly paid.


Study shows that less demanding jobs can bring the same amount of work stress

A study published last year in the journal “Occupational and Environmental Medicine” points out that exactly these kinds of jobs are the ones that give high amounts of stress, but in a slightly different way. The risk that comes along with having such poorly paid and supported job is the same as the one of having your head spinning from the efforts you put into high paid and more complex professions. Here maybe not directly, but the job is again effecting your well-being and.


Make some changes

In order for you to cope with this problem of stress management at work, few things are recommended. The Huffington post advises more free time for yourself. I agree completely with that, and may also add that spending time with your family, friends, or only your significant other may help quite a lot in relieving the stress.
Exercise can also come in handy, and if done on regular basis can in fact diminish your stress related problems and the excessive amounts of work stress. In general you should try and change your habits, Improve your lifestyle by diversifying it, try out things that will make you more relaxed. By doing that not only you will change your lifestyle, but rule out stress for good.

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Feb 17

The benefits of swimming


The swimming as an act of moving your limbs through water has been known to humanity for over 7000 years. Although the benefits of swimming used as a physical and mental exercise were discovered only couple of hundreds of years ago, when it also became a sport and the competitive swimming started to take place in Europe and soon after, in the rest of the world. Today it is a very popular sport, and also a great addition to one’s lifestyle in more than one way.


The health benefits of swimming


Swimming is probably the only exercise which is fun to do that at the same time can actually cool your body instead of heat it and works out every muscle of the human body (if one uses more diverse techniques of swimming). And the best part is that you are in fact making the best compound exercise possible without stressing your body and taking it to the limits.


The higher density of the water compared to the air, impose us to use more force while exhaling and inhaling, increasing the vital capacity of the lungs i.e. the maximum amount of air a person can expel from the lungs, thus highly recommended for smokers, people suffering of asthma or some similar diseases. You see, aside of the fact that you are enjoying, your body will also benefit a great deal, and will be grateful to you a lot :)

The temperature difference between our body and the water helpfully affect the thermoregulation of our body as well. The water pressure also positively affects our blood vessels, enforcing their capacity to transport blood to the heart. And it turn every muscle is constantly provided with blood and oxygen. That alone makes swimming one of the best exercises there is when it comes to muscle growth as well as a kick-ass cardio.


On the bigger picture, it’s great for our endurance and general fitness, and in regard to the cardio, this alongside with running is considered to be the king of cardio. And it’s actually used with great success by athletes as a rehabilitation activity after injuries as well.

With the right approach in the early years, creating a habit of swimming and overcoming the fear of water is a perfect recipe for enabling your kids a long and healthy life. Some studies even suggest that the swimmers actually tend to do better in school too…It also affects the growth and the shape of the child’s bones, making it a highly recommended and a very useful activity for the kids.

Psychological benefits of swimming


The psychological benefits of swimming are just as important as the other health benefits of swimming. With our lives becoming faster, more demanding than ever and more stressful, the swimming can serve as a brilliant escape capsule. Imagine you, floating in the crystal clear blue water, letting your thoughts about the world drift away while getting all the stress that’s been bothering you the whole time out of you… It sounds pretty awesome right?


It sounds awesome, because it is awesome. So, the next time you’re wondering what to do in order to update or improve your lifestyle, don’t forget to include swimming in your possible choices. I’ve been swimming for a while now, and can tell you for sure that it certainly act as a stress killer ;) Just by starting, like for a day or two, you will see the results yourself, and soon be addicted.

I mean have you ever asked yourself why you feel so much relived while staying for a week or two at the beach. Some studies show that just by looking at the water the stress can be reduced a great deal. So imagine you go swimming couple of times a week… Wouldn’t that do the trick?


And to be honest I’m really not familiar with an activity that can increase your endorphin levels so much. And that cuts stress in its root. I mean with being a strength exercise and at the same time a tremendous cardio workout it is probably the best when it comes to that. So all of you folks who never considered swimming, I bet you will start now, because as you can see it can offer you a lot of benefits, fun, and can transform your lifestyle a great deal. You must try it to know what I’m talking about. The benefits of swimming are just too much to simply be ignored in your pursuit for a healthy lifestyle.

P.S. I struggled to convince my friends some time ago, but now they are really addicted.


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Feb 14

Improve your lifestyle by diversifying it

If you really know how to live with a style, than I guess it is already clear to you that it should be all year round. What do I actually mean?

Well, for starters, let us mention the healthy lifestyle, the good habits you struggled so much to stick with but finally made it, the physical activities that keep you in shape, the rate of productivity that is constant, enjoying your free hours the way you like, and so on.
There are many other areas in which “Improve your lifestyle by diversifying it” is written.

So the list can go on and on, and you just realize that these are the things that define, shape, distinguish and improve your lifestyle, help you organize your life, your character, your persona.
But in order to be at your very best all the time, you must come with terms that it is continuity that does the trick more than anything else, and leads you towards the success.

But sometimes it is just too difficult to practice your “routine”, and keep up with all your resolutions, if you know what I mean.
That’s because things like holiday seasons, job overload, harsh weather, bad health, unexpected guests (this is a tricky one :)) and many other obstacles can interfere with your schedule, or the way you want to run things in your life.

Most of us usually give up when such difficulties occur, and choose to take some excuse to persuade ourselves, that well, it is not up to us.

But you know what? It is.

It is, big deal. Why not take the high road? In fact such obstacles can even make you more on top of maintaining your schedule, and make you even more dedicated to living full time. There is even possibility that your lifestyle can become more versatile in general just by adjusting to the factors that surround you.

Adjust your lifestyle to the circumstances


Imagine that you like going with your bike on the mountain for recreation, and keeping your body fit. Now imagine that you live in a place where there is winter as well as summer season. Temperatures drop, there is snow, and this can serve as a perfect excuse not to be active again.

But instead, you can see a great opportunity in this… You see, instead of saying “I’ll wait couple of months” you can try and adjust and improve your lifestyle immediately.
Choose some indoor sport, maybe some swimming in the local indoor pools or visit the mountain, but this time for a hike, or try skiing, boarding or go ice skating. Chances are you will find something you like soon, and then instead of pausing you can continue your lifestyle the way you like it, and even upgrade a thing or two.

If there is overload of duties and deadlines on the work place, you can choose to go for a massage after work hours, or book an hour of your time by going swimming in the evenings just to relax. You can try updating your diet with more vitamins and minerals, or schedule a new meal plan… You get the picture right? Knowing how to live is having the ability to adjust to every aspect of life.

The more you have to adjust and diversify, the more you will find the style fitting for you.
Updating is what each and every one of us need. And that is best achieved through going outside of the box for a second and escaping the familiar, just to realize that you are in fact adaptable far more than you gave yourself the credit for.

The opportunities are really many, and choosing one will improve your lifestyle, and in turn you will have more fun while keeping the good habits checked.

Explore the possibilities, and enjoy being awesome.


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