Why You Need To Organize Your Life

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Organize your life and make the key step in your pursuit for improved and healthy lifestyle.

Get organized and you will achieve the much needed consistency, keeping your willpower steady, and making sure that you are paving the right path.

It is a virtue if you will, and a damn good one. And what is most important, nowadays it’s a necessity.

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Book vs. Movie: Which One Do You Prefer ?

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I myself have always been fan of the two, and learned to appreciate each of them by what they have to offer in terms of entertainment, as well as in terms of provoking powerful emotions, carrying a strong message, challenging you in a way so mysterious, yet so seductive.

So what will you go with? Book vs. Movie ? Which one do you prefer ?

Are you a movie fanatic, who never quite had the time to catch up on your reading? Or you are quite the literate kind of fella, and short with movie titles?

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The Little Pieces Add Up To Your Understanding of Success

in Personal Growth / 2 Comments

We all focus on finances, career, but somewhere along the way they know how to hypnotize us per say, and make us forget about all the other aspects of life that we should be focusing on.

It is a picture that is most of all forced upon us by society, mass media, corporate way of thinking. And even though hard to believe, they somehow succeeded in embedding this picture in the minds of people for generations to come.

And not trying to fight that mindset is what pushes us towards fully embracing it.

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How To Be Healthy and Stay Healthy

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A roller coaster - that’s what life looks like in nowadays modern societies. Trapped in the same routine many people want to know how to be healthy and live a healthy lifestyle, while squeezing most out of life.

But it’s a process of trial and error, where we chase our tails around the maypole.

Simply put, trying to live a healthy lifestyle nowadays is such a demanding process that in a way many are compelled to even try.

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Work Related Stress: How To Cope With It

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No matter whether it is only general concern or something more complex, every problem that occurs within the work space can affect people more than something happening outside of work.

So the focus falls on work related stress. Or at least some minor changes in mood that can for sure develop more and more if passed unaddressed.

But there is something that many people fail to realize…

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