How To Be Healthy and Stay Healthy

in Personal Growth / No Comments

A roller coaster - that’s what life looks like in nowadays modern societies. Trapped in the same routine many people want to know how to be healthy and live a healthy lifestyle, while squeezing most out of life.

But it’s a process of trial and error, where we chase our tails around the maypole.

Simply put, trying to live a healthy lifestyle nowadays is such a demanding process that in a way many are compelled to even try.

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Work Related Stress: How To Cope With It

in Personal Growth / No Comments

No matter whether it is only general concern or something more complex, every problem that occurs within the work space can affect people more than something happening outside of work.

So the focus falls on work related stress. Or at least some minor changes in mood that can for sure develop more and more if passed unaddressed.

But there is something that many people fail to realize…

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Jogging Towards a Healthy Lifestyle

in Fitness And Sports / No Comments

So, the running i.e. jogging from a second nature of the earliest humans,descended to a level where people have to constantly explain the benefits of jogging as one of the simplest, natural, elementary form of exercise. Isn’t that just downright sad…
But the cool thing is: it’s never really too late for you to engage in this fun activity.

Although with aging the bone structure and the bone connecting ligaments lose their strength and flexibility, the jogging is not only totally safe, but also recommended.

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Why Is Exercise Important ?

in Fitness And Sports / 1 Comment

There is sometimes a tough line to draw - between going outside of your comfort zone and exploring some new stuff (ones that can in turn change many aspects of your life), or enjoying the familiar and never try to undertake any change whatsoever.

If you are now at crossroads thinking whether or not you should investigate how the benefits of exercise can add up to the quality of your life in general, I will advise you to go for the first option instead of the latter, and leave things up to you from there…

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The Benefits Of Swimming

in Fitness And Sports / 1 Comment

Swimming is probably the only exercise which is fun to do that at the same time can actually cool your body instead of heating it and works out every muscle of the human body (if one uses more diverse techniques of swimming).

And the best part is that you are in fact making the best compound exercise possible without stressing your body and taking it to the limits.

All of you folks who never considered swimming, I bet you will start now, because as you can see it can offer you a lot of benefits, fun, and can transform and improve your life a lot.

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