
Interview #3 with Ali Luke, Published Author and One of The Best Writing Coaches and Bloggers

in Interviews, Lifestyle / 5 Comments

For today’s interview we have with us one of the most popular writers in the blogosphere. Writing about subjects closely connected with personal growth, blogging and internet marketing, as well as being one of the best writing coaches on the net nowadays. It’s Ali Luke, another leading figure in the blogging world.

She is also a published writer of fiction which only concurs with the fact that the range in which she can write is rather broad. You can find her book Lycopolis on Amazon. She also became a part of the “for dummies” series, when Wiley publishing offered her to write a book about publishing e-books.

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Let’s Make Thanksgiving Last Longer

in Articles, Lifestyle, Personal Growth / 1 Comment

We decide to give ourselves treats and somewhat of a tap on the shoulder way too seldom. Not every once in a while but on certain and specific occasions. We cheat with healthy diet and eating habits every holiday season, we buy ourselves something nice when there is a set occasion.

And with such routine and way of conducting our lives, we, over time, adopt a similar mindset and pattern which is to be applied almost everywhere.

Take Thanksgiving for example.

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Interview #2 with Stefan, The Owner of Inner Vision Kennel: His Success Story

in Interviews, Lifestyle / 2 Comments

For our second interview on Lifestyle Updated we have a special guest, someone who really dared to go against society dogmas and create something of great value which he really enjoys doing. It is my pleasure to introduce to you Stefan Mitrevski, a great friend of mine and the owner of Inner Vision Kennel which is one of the best Siberian Husky Kennels in Europe.

Stefan started Inner Vision which changed and enriched his lifestyle and now he is here to talk about how he succeeded creating such a name for his kennel, achieved great results along the way and turned his passion into a reality.

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Interview #1 with Ramsay a.k.a. The Blog Tyrant: A Peek Into His Lifestyle

in Interviews, Lifestyle / 15 Comments

Today’s interview is going to be with Ramsay, one of the most popular bloggers in Australia and most definitely a big figure in the blogging world as well. He is also known under the name Blog Tyrant, name by which he existed on the net and gained his huge reputation and authority in the internet marketing niche.

Currently you can find him on his site Blog Tyrant, where he teaches people how to blog their way up to a decent income, create a stream of passive income, as well as attain a lifestyle which, when created, will allow them to enjoy life while doing what they are most passionate about.

But enough with the introduction, let’s ask him couple of questions.

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Downhill Running - More Than Just Pure Adrenaline

in Articles, Fitness And Sports, Lifestyle / No Comments

Running has never been just about the fitness aspect of it. If you go and ask a fan, nine out of ten will definitely tell you that over the course of time it gets addictive. Gradually, sure, but it gets the grip on you. And while you come to realize that you’ve been hooked, you will also begin to notice that sometimes just running as it is won’t suffice.

You will begin with races, take the 5k challenge, up the bar a little bit and maybe compete at marathons. But it still holds the linear aspect of it, and quite frankly your hunger and addiction would dare you for more, thus pushing you to explore.

Once the setting has been changed, and the thrill of everything that comes with cross terrain is apparent, the direction of movement becomes more straightforward for the average runner, mostly in the sense of trying to up the bar for the second time.

One of the choices is, ladies and gentlemen, runners and thrill seekers, running downhill.

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