fridge - healthy food

Being bound by biological needs food accounts for most of the processes happening inside our body. And it can both serve as a fuel or toxin depending the way you leverage it.

Translated in vernacular it can keep you young, making your body function like it is supposed to, providing infinite health benefits and keeping you away from disease; or, at the opposite end of the spectrum, be the chief cause of certain diseases and conditions.

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fitness nutrition

We all try, more or less, to improve our fitness level. To change our routine in fitness, add diversity, add myriad of exercises and approaches in the pursuit of the next level in fitness.

And while we relentlessly try to do that, we are, in fact, ignorant to an extent about what our body needs. And I’m not speaking about needs in the terms of supplementation, but rather an altogether natural replenishment, and even prevention to some conditions that may occur while we put our body under additional stress.

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how to lose weight and look great

How to lose weight and look great - This is one of the most common questions nowadays.

Now I would spare you from my actual view on this one in terms of whether we should be paying so much attention on something that is probably not that important, or doing it all for the wrong reasons, but since it’s something closely connected to our understanding of lifestyle as a society I feel that you should have the answer to this question.

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Every doctor and expert out there tells us to eat healthy, but some of us simply don’t have a clue what that is.

And even the ones who do, they can probably admit that a healthy diet is a pretty darn hard thing to do nowadays.

In the post about eating habits and foods that burn fat, I wrote some tips on what I think is important to add to your daily routine, and here I will do the same thing, as well as make a no nonsense explanation on what you can, and in fact need to eat in order to have a sustainable healthy lifestyle.

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Foods that burn fat are not a myth. As promised, this week we will tell you what you need to know about food in order to make it in your weight loss plan, as well as which are those foods that actually burn fat.

And the thing is it’s simple, beyond simple actually. You just need to fill your fridge with all the right ingredients and then just follow some eating schedule along with some basic principles.

Yes, that’s it. But if it’s so simple why are so many people struggling to not only find the right food, but stick to it for good?

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