A lot of people believe that morning jogging is probably one of the healthiest activities for your body. They would get up at 5 am, put on some workout clothes and go on a run around the block, with their eyes barely open. Then, they would come home, take a shower, make some breakfast, get…
Compression stockings, also known as compression socks, or pressure socks, are used by all kinds of people, from pilots, flight attendants, runners, and nurses to pregnant women, people recovering from surgery, and people at risk for blood clots in their legs. But are compression socks dangerous? We here at Lifestyle Updated decided to make a…

So, you decided to start working out and you are trying to figure out what the best workout is for you? And for some reason, you narrowed the search down to three words – Pilates vs. CrossFit? Well, consider yourself lucky for opening this article, because Lifestyle Updated is the right place for the best…
Working the lower part of your body can be especially tiresome if you are determined to work out at home. Aside from squat repetitions and plyometric moves, there is hardly anything interesting you can do in order to have fun. The video that follows is a rare exception. It is one of the workouts from…
Eight years back, I resolved to my fitness journey. It was right about then when I discovered the difference between fats, proteins and carbs, cardio and strength training, and the underlying principles binding everything together. Trying to lose chest and belly fat at the time, each paragraph of knowledge was an energy bonanza. I thought,…