The Insanity Workout - Tips And Benefits From a Veteran

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The Insanity workout is a lifestyle changer. I’ve noticed that the first time I did it and I notice that now even more after I started again with the whole program. Doing the Insanity workout again, I started to pay more attention to all the benefits it brings other than the good looks, all the benefits I haven’t felt for a couple of months. That is, given the fact that I finished the Insanity workout four months earlier.

The interesting thing is that I knew even when I was done with it four months earlier, that I will be coming back. Finishing the sixty days once and assuming that I will just bury the program in my closet, or sell it on Amazon, it made me feel kinda uneasy. I knew that I will crave the challenge of Insanity once again, feel the need to work out with Shaun T, Tanya, Chris, Ana and the other guys for the second time.

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Downhill Running - More Than Just Pure Adrenaline

in Articles, Fitness And Sports, Lifestyle / No Comments

Running has never been just about the fitness aspect of it. If you go and ask a fan, nine out of ten will definitely tell you that over the course of time it gets addictive. Gradually, sure, but it gets the grip on you. And while you come to realize that you’ve been hooked, you will also begin to notice that sometimes just running as it is won’t suffice.

You will begin with races, take the 5k challenge, up the bar a little bit and maybe compete at marathons. But it still holds the linear aspect of it, and quite frankly your hunger and addiction would dare you for more, thus pushing you to explore.

Once the setting has been changed, and the thrill of everything that comes with cross terrain is apparent, the direction of movement becomes more straightforward for the average runner, mostly in the sense of trying to up the bar for the second time.

One of the choices is, ladies and gentlemen, runners and thrill seekers, running downhill.

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Recreational Mountain Biking

in Articles, Fitness And Sports, Lifestyle / No Comments

Inexperienced riders, having only this in mind, needed time to completely adapt to the true nature of recreational mountain biking, thus savoring what they found later on. And that is that mountain biking is way more than just the need for adrenaline, or even the physical aspect of it.

It took me, albeit somewhat of a novice, very little time to see past the unilateral picture that was, and in some cases still is, presenting mountain biking.

Mountain biking has more going on than what adrenaline junkies commonly care about. It is an entirely different concept of leisure and enjoying spare hours. It’s about developing focus and certain set of skills which, when perfected, allow enjoyment like nothing of the like.

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Achieve Personal Fitness Improvement Through Diversity

in Fitness And Sports / 4 Comments

Diversity is making a general rate of progress in many aspects of life. We have it in every individual behavior, nature, even embedded in our DNA where we can see that the differences between our parent’s genetic structure led towards eliminating individual faults.

Similar to that, we can witness diversity playing a vital role in many other aspects as well, ranging from physical to psychological occurrences, from broad spectrum of emotions, even broader one of social and society understandings and perceptions.

Today though, I want to stress the importance diversity plays in physical fitness, and what it means to apply it into your personal fitness routine.

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The Important Benefits Of Learning To Listen To Your Body

in Fitness And Sports / 4 Comments

Carried away by our everyday responsibilities, created by society or by ourselves, we are, more or less, becoming ignorant when considering our health.

Sure, we check with the doctor from time to time, browse Google in order to self-diagnose any problem that we encounter, buy meds accordingly.

The thing though that has been overlooked in terms of importance, most of us lack. Simple as it is, yet so powerful if we want to maintain a healthy life.

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