Fitness can Help Through any Transition in Your Life

in Personal Growth / No Comments

Whatever transition we are going through in our life, we tend to experience it rather dramatically. Choosing our line of work, looking for a job, starting or ending relationships, changing our belief systems… And it is not like worrying is absent from the whole picture. It is rather a pertaining part of it and one cornerstone figure for that matter. So how do we make it obsolete?

What do we need to do in order not to be constantly under pressure, making analogies and connections between our transition and everything else in life? How do we separate our time while still being able to focus on the task at hand?

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Only You Decide What is Possible

in Personal Growth / 2 Comments

Everything that we do and everything that we are is partially shaped by what we believe is possible.
Try making a high jump without believing that you can reach the bar. I guarantee you that you will fail nine out of ten times. And this is only an apparent physical limitation that our beliefs bestow upon our body. The mind controls everything.

But what is more frightening is the fact that our beliefs also dictate what we are willing to try, what we are willing to accomplish. And this picture paints itself over the long run. Over the course of our lives.

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Stop Following The Herd - Learn by Experimenting

in Personal Growth / No Comments

If you try to count the times where you passed an opportunity based only on the notion that you lack the knowledge and the step by step pattern, you, and I both, will come to realize that the number is a rather large one.

And in missed opportunities, I tend to believe that even one is one too many. Yet we still turn our back on many opportunities because of somewhat of a mix which comprises fear of the new, fear of failure, fear of not being able to get it.

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How to Focus On One Thing and One Thing Only

in Personal Growth / 2 Comments

They say that if you take a big task and start slowly and apply consistency, everything becomes possible. The long journey begins with one step kind of philosophy. Yet, the fact remains that you have to be focused on the journey for it to be completed- focused on one thing only.

And the same metaphor applies in almost every aspect in life. No matter the intensity that you put into doing something, the outcome will always be positive if you keep focus and try to improve.

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The Link Between Fitness And Personal Growth

in Fitness And Sports, Personal Growth / No Comments

What is it so distinct in fitness that almost all self-improvement junkies look for? If you go and ask people interested in personal growth, chances are that nine out of ten will tell you that they do or at least tried some form of fitness.
So what is it that makes us engage more and more?

If we take the obvious out if the way, which is society’s increasing worry for improved looks, we are still somehow drawn towards the idea of cultivating our body. The question then goes, is it just our body that we decide to cultivate or does it go deeper than that?

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