Are you planning to ask your significant other to marry you? That’s amazing! While it may feel that arriving at the decision is a big deal, it is also important to consider whether you are going to go big with the proposal. While it may not matter to a few people, the truth is that for most, going the extra mile is important. There are so many viral videos of original proposals out there, and it seems like people keep coming up with the most beautiful, romantic ways to pop the question. This event is definitely considered to be an important milestone in any relationship, so it’s fair to say that it should be treated as such.

Why should you plan before asking your significant other to marry you? Here are some of the reasons.
It Is A Lifetime Thing
The truth is that getting a proposal and accepting it is something that happens only once in life. That is why making it an extra special thing is a great idea. It is marking a special event that you as a couple are going to think about for all your years together and share it as a precious memory with your friends, family and possibly your future children. So it is really smart to make it special. Proposals are much like weddings: they are once in a lifetime events that should be carefully considered and thoroughly planned. You have only one chance to make this event truly unique and memorable.
It Shows Commitment
When you propose to your significant other with one of the loveliest princess cut engagement rings you have ever seen, it shows a lot of commitment. Making it as special as possible for her is going to prove to her how serious and committed you are to the relationship. It is a great way to mark the occasion and make her happy.

Diamonds are forever, right? This is a great way to express that your devotion and love for her is just like that precious shiny rock - unbreakable and everlasting.
It Shows Dignity To The Relationship
Maybe it has been a good time that you have been dating. Maybe you have had a lot of ups and downs in the relationship. Now that you have finally decided to settle down with your significant other, it is important to dignify the relationship and put it on the pedestal it deserves. And that can only happen if you put some effort into the proposal. Popping the question is nice, but how amazing it would be if you made a whole special event around this occasion that you would remember all of your lives?
It Will Make Her Happy
You love your partner and the most important reason you are planning to marry her is that you love and care for her. So why not make her by creating a memory for the proposal you are going to make to her? It is certainly going to be a great moment for her and she is going to love the fuss you make!

Remember, in relationships, it’s not about the things you say. It’s about the things you actually do. So, this is your chance to be creative and do a nice thing for the woman you love. You can make her happy by putting your mind and energy into planning a beautiful proposal. It’s not all about the expensive diamonds - it’s the thought that counts, right?
A Proposal That Is Going To Be A Sweet Memory
Life is all about what you make of it. You make sweet memories with the ones you love and the proposal you make is going to be one of the most important ones. This is your once in a lifetime, super special event, and it is a story that maybe one day you’ll retell to your children. So going the extra mile and making her happy is a good idea. Having sweet memories is what makes life worth living and if you can make it happen, good proposal ideas are certainly going to be worth it.

It is not difficult to make a memory that will last your lifetimes. All you have to do is get an engagement ring that she will love and maybe plan something special for the day. What about taking her to where you met and proposing to her there? Or maybe planning a surprise engagement party with all of your closest friends and family? If your significant other isn’t the type to like public proposals, you could plan a nice quiet evening with a romantic dinner for just the two of you. Whatever you do, it is going to be a memory that will keep coming back many, many years into the future. So, you should try to put in the effort needed to make it happen!