How to Start a Food Blog That Changes Lives

Food is vital. We need it to stay alive, to thrive and to evolve. That’s why nutrition is about more than just fuel – it’s about physical and emotional wellbeing. For this reason, your food blog can have a huge impact on other people’s health and happiness, making it a rather rewarding thing to do.

But before you start a food blog, it’s important to ask yourself the important questions. What can you do for your readers, and what sort of impact do you wish to have? Where does your expertise lie? In other words: set out your vision. Once that’s done, the journey begins.

Choose a name that resonates

Similar to books and films, the title of your food blog is important. After all, it’s the first thing that appears when you pop up on Google, which is why finding the right one is crucial. Forget about generic names like Happy Foodie and Healthy Lifestyle, not only are they likely to be taken, they are also quickly forgotten.

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Instead, use a name generator like BizNameWiz to find a unique blog name that captures who you are, and what you stand for. Think of it as a representation of your brand; it must align with your product.

Be honest, and be kind

There are a lot of blogs out there, especially about food. So how do you break through the noise and get noticed? It’s simple. By listening to your readers and delivering the sort of content they need, you can build a loyal readership that will keep coming back for more. Use live-streams and other methods to connect and share your own journey with your followers – there is nothing better than honesty. Despite popular belief, people don’t want perfection. They want someone with the courage to be themselves. Someone relatable and – well – human. 

Don’t focus on numbers

Probably the worst thing that you can do as a beginner blogger is to focus on numbers. A lot of bloggers tend to get stuck in this loophole of constantly checking their Google analytics and social media statistics. Some creators get obsessed with the number of likes their new recipe reached, and how many followers they’ve gained.

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Too many enthusiastic beginners get discouraged once they realize that it’s going to take a lot of time and a lot of work before their blog goes viral. The truth is, the chances that you’ll reach millions with your content within the first couple of months of launching your food blog are very, very slim. Knowing your numbers can be very useful on the long run, but it should definitely not be your main focus of work. You just need to be yourself, do your best to create quality content and get it out there - the rise in numbers will be just one of the many rewards of your hard work.

Always fact check your articles

Your blog is a media outlet, and as such, it has the potential of being consumed by thousands of people. Your audience will likely implement your tips in their real lives and try out the diets and regimes you recommend on your blog. This means that you have a responsibility to your readers not to mislead them on issues as important as their health. When writing your articles, make sure to do a lot of research and choose relevant sources of information.

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Keep your personal opinions aside and stick to the facts backed by science, especially when writing about serious topics such as personal health and diseases, such as this article on anxiety and gluten sensitivity. Remember to always try your best to fact check and verify your information.

Build a supportive community

As a would-be food blogger, it’s important to recognize that what we eat has a huge impact on our mood and emotional happiness. Yet, according to an article in the New York Times, the fatty food we crave the most, can be the most damaging to our mental health. That’s why a community is vital if people are to stay on track with their diet. Choosing the right food is not always easy and by sharing your own struggles and advice, you can create a prosperous community of food-induced happiness and supportive individuals. 

Deliver quality and keep growing your skillset

When you have a food blog, it’s important to constantly seek out new knowledge. Why? Because you owe it to your community to deliver quality content related to your chosen topic, such as this one on the carnivore diet.

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This way you give your readers a wholesome experience by connecting the dots between your food recipes and nutrition advance and leading a fruitful and healthy lifestyle. Attend webinars, courses and connect with like-minded bloggers and entrepreneurs so you can show up every day for your followers and help them make healthy lifestyle choices.

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