How to Treat Sore Throat Naturally

The 2020’s are yet to unravel, but we are all going to remember their beginning as the terrifying years of the pandemic, which put the entire world to a halt. Whatever else might be said, factual history is going to describe this chapter as the time when our society became obsessed with health protocols and protective measures, the most recognizable symbol of which is the respiratory face mask. Life-saving of a gear as it is, the face mask comes with certain caveats. As we have already felt, breathing in a small enclosed pocket can put tremendous strain on the throat, leading to bacterial infections developing quite often. So, we have decided to write about common issues, which are how to treat sore throat, naturally and how to get rid of oral bacterial infections.

If not the only line of defense, respiratory face masks are probably the best protection against any pathogen circulating through the air. However, breathing into an enclosed pocket protected by a HEPA filter for up to 10 hours per day is an excellent way to foster bacterial colonization of your oral cavity. Moreover, it is quite difficult to talk under a mask, so we tend to raise our voice in order to be able to conduct a proper dialogue.

These circumstances, as you probably know, are ideal for developing a sore throat, or worse yet, a throat bacterial infection. And while are usually prescribed once the infection takes hold, and after you start to develop notable symptoms, it is always smart to heal naturally before you are forced to swallow any medicine.

So, is there a home remedy suitable for this job? Well, there is a list in fact. Here is how to treat sore throat naturally, and how to fight off oral bacterial infections.

How to treat sore throat naturally?

Sore throat is meant to describe pain, irritation and itchiness of the throat. Swallowing is usually uncomfortable, as it tends to irritate the affected area even more, making food, and sometimes even water intake, very difficult.

But when it comes to the home treatment of a sore throat, there is hardly anything more available and potent than the list provided below. So let’s begin.

Ginger root

Ginger has antimicrobial properties, which means that it is effective in spreading the development of bacteria. Therefore, squeezing the juice from ginger root and applying it to the throat as you swallow half a teaspoon, is another way of dealing with oral bacterial infections.

For a more pragmatic solution, you can simply chew fresh ginger root, swallow the juice and then spit the remains. As per quantity, cut a piece that resembles your thumbnail in size.

Salt water gargle

Gargling with salt water is known to kill bacteria in the throat, especially when using a glassful solution of warm water and anything between a half-teaspoon and a teaspoon of salt. Try gargling every three hours throughout the day, and it should significantly reduce your symptom development, easing up both pain and swelling.

You can even add half a teaspoon of baking soda, which is also recommended for this purpose.


Honey exhibits antibacterial properties against gram-positive bacteria and gram-negative bacteria, and has been shown to have a very potent effect against bacterial activity.

It is also effective in the healing of wounds, which means that applying some of it on the back of your mouth may be beneficial in dealing with a bacterial infection or a sore throat.

How to treat oral bacterial infections naturally?

Dealing with your sore throat by implementing some of the remedies from above is also a proven way to deal with oral bacterial infections at the onset of their development.

But what else is recommended as an additional layer of protection and home treatment?


The potency of garlic in fighting off viruses and bacteria is well documented. Therefore, if you are dealing with a sore throat that is caused either by a virus or an oral bacterial infection, then it is recommended to make fresh garlic part of your diet. A single clove every other day should suffice, and it will provide a host of other of benefits including lowered blood pressure, which is known to elevate slightly during an infection.

Fenugreek tea

Fenugreek is a popular herb that is commonly used in Indian cuisine. The plant itself is 3 feet tall, providing healing properties through its leaves, flowers, and easily recognizable golden-brown seeds.

Effective as an antifungal home remedy, it is also potent in fighting off bacterial infections. While the plant medicine is administered in numerous ways, the most easily accessible, and productive during a sore throat episode is as an herbal tea.

Plenty of water

There is hardly a better solution for flushing out bacteria by keeping your body continually hydrated. For a grown up, it is recommended to drink at least 2 liters per day, but more is always better during a fight with any pathogen. However, make sure not to go over 4-5 liters per day, and also try to up your water intake by consuming fresh fruits and vegetables throughout the day. These are packed with vitamins and minerals, and will provide your body with plenty of arsenal to deal with the sore throat, regardless of whether or not it was caused by an oral bacterial infection.

Plenty of sleep

It is worth noting that most American adults are somewhat sleep deprived, as more than 35% of the adult population sleeps less than 7 hours. While this is not ideal in and of itself, it is a personal priority that needs addressing in case you have to fight of an infection of any kind.

A good rule of thumb is to increase your resting hours throughout the day, and definitely string together 8 of them during the night, as you notice any symptoms of infection. Bacterial or viral, it makes little difference.

Therefore, as your sore throat might signal an infection, it is best, as a matter of precaution, to increase your resting hours at least for a couple of days until betterment of symptoms.


If you notice slight itching and irritation in your throat it might have to do with wearing a mask, abusing your vocal cords or a garden variety of other things. On the other hand, a sore throat might mean a viral or bacterial infection. Nevertheless, until symptoms develop fully, you best bet is to start treating your throat locally and with a set of home remedies. I hope that this article provided an actionable list of items in how to treat a sore throat, and how to treat oral bacterial infections, as they have become a more prevalent, and perhaps monthly nuisance in our lives.

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