CrossFit was discovered in the early 2000s in California as a high intensity interval program especially designed for the army, firemen, police, and martial artists. Fast forward to a decade after, and CrossFit is already rocking the fitness world by storm because of its promising, quick results. The routine is as close to functional training as it can get, with focus on every aspect of fitness at once.
Dublin, California is one of the CrossFit dominated cities which still represent the area where this fitness discipline first originated. It is here, on the West coast and within the growing Dublin CrossFit community where you can find some of the best gyms.
Choosing a Dublin CrossFit Gym
The residents in Dublin, California who are in hunt for a legit Dublin CrossFit gym will most likely settle for the first gym they will find; that’s okay. Nonetheless, for a more guided decision, this article will shed light about what a good Dublin CrossFit gym should possess.
Also known as “the box”, a CrossFit gym often requires a wide open space that allows free movement. An ideal box location would be at industrial parks, basements, retail storefronts, or other largely open areas. The box may appear the same as other workout gyms but the truth is, it differs in terms of mood and environment; in CrossFit gyms, the mood and environment are more intense. So let’s unpack some of that and make sure you enrol in the right Dublin CrossFit gym. Consider the following checklist:
Height of the Ceiling
Standard height of a ceiling is 8”; this is supposed to serve as a benchmark but not in CrossFit gyms where ceiling height must be at least 12 ft. high to make room for intense, jumping-filled CrossFit WODs or workouts of the day. In CrossFit, there are a lot of overhead presses, as well as high and intense jumps. Needless to say, you will feel at ease with an elevated ceiling.
Equipment and Rigs
Majority of CrossFit WODs can be carried out without accessories or equipment. However, for a better CrossFit experience and to make room for more varied movements, usage of rigs and other equipment is highly recommended. That being said, it would be better if your Dublin CrossFit gym has pull-up rigs, facilitates squat racks, barbells, kettle bells, dumbbells, weights, medicine balls, and boxes for other routines.
To tweak the movements and achieve faster progress, it would be great if the gym has other equipment like glute and hamstring developers, atlas stone, climbing ropes, gymnastic rings, monkey bars, a peg board, large tires, parallel bars, push and pull sleds, and slosh pipes. These accessories are considered truly useful in elite fitness but because of their hefty price tags, not all CrossFit gyms have this kind of luxurious facility.
The Dublin CrossFit Gym Community
One of the main things that set a CrossFit gym apart from the others is the type of community present in the area. Location is a necessary factor but the community more often than not matters just as much.
The community we are talking about here is composed of the CrossFit coach and trainers, the clientele, and how people work on their common goal as a team. Although people visit the box as separate individuals, what happens in a good CrossFit gym is different; folks cheer each other up and push themselves to the limit until they reach their goal or complete the workout of the day. Hence, the CrossFit gym community plays a big role that will either make you work harder or quit.
Foundational On-Ramp Program
As you pick a Dublin CrossFit gym, it is important to take into consideration the structural integrity of the gym’s CrossFit courses. How the coaches help the trainees reach their goals and how they design their courses will give you an idea if the gym is truly a great choice or not. Moreover, it would be better if the Dublin CrossFit gym also runs a special class for beginners or interested members who are willing to learn or work harder.
Such classes are supposed to help improve the technical skills and knowledge of the trainees as they try to reach their goals.
Specifically, it would be better if the on-ramp program has the following modules:
Solid Mobility Warm-ups
Joint mobility is one of the important aspects that need to be present in a CrossFit gym. Since the nature of CrossFit is HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) and most routines require continuous execution with minimal breaks, the risk to injury is always there. For instance, if the lifting is done wrong, it can leave a strain on the knee or the wrist.
The solid mobility warm-up module will be responsible in waking up the body by activating its central nervous system, lubricating its joints with the help of synovial fluid, and mimicking WOD movements through bodyweight workouts.
Joint Preparation Module
As the name suggests, this module will be responsible for the preparation and conditioning of the joints to prevent as much injuries as possible. After the mobility warm-up, it is best if the trainee also allots time for the joints preparation to prepare them adequately for the loaded and intense workout.
A joint preparation routine shall include putting a trainee into varied positions: one disadvantageous and one that needs to use bodyweight and external resistance. For example, if the trainee is complaining of shoulder pain and being unable to extend his arms, that trainee should be automatically permitted to kip.
This, together with the joint mobility module, is designed for CrossFit newbies whose joints were not stretched enough.
Post Cross Fit Training Module
This modules ensures a proper cool down to significantly lessen the likelihood of body breakdown. This part is where warm down, joint distractions, muscle tacking, and some stretching will be performed.
Progressive Development
Progressive development module from simple to complex movements emphasizes that being a beginner in CrossFit is just a phase and as trainees go on, an improvement in their execution must be noticed. Basically, what happens here is that beginners need not execute the right number required per workout. They can rather start slowly but surely and adjust their execution and goals as their body progresses.
So there you have it – a short but comprehensive guide on choosing the right CrossFit gym around Dublin, California, where the legacy of this discipline is only getting started. I’m personally intrigued by weight lifting and resistance workouts lately, so I try to incorporate as much of them as I can within my own fitness program. The CrossFit gym, I have to admit, is far superior to a home environment no matter how fancy you manage to decorate the place. A single weight rack, a set of barbells, and one pull-up bar are no substitute for a professional GrossFit gym.
However, if you eventually find the gym environment uncomfortable for whatever reason, or the commute too tiresome, you can always check what bodyweight exercises can do for you by taking a look at our own digital platform Fitness Updated. It includes a comprehensive nutrition program as well, with various recipes geared towards different caloric groups.

The workouts are engaging and fun, and you can easily progress regardless of your current level of fitness. Most of the videos feature innovative bodyweight exercises, that target several muscle groups at once as you simultaneously work on your stamina, speed, endurance, strength, cardio, and agility.