Proven yet unknown tricks to lose that belly fat

Working with clients in the past, I was surprised to find out how many of them wanted a shortcut when it comes to weight loss. Less or more dedicated, nine out of ten would ask for a quick fix. Anything goes. Saunas, intense detox cycles, or weird fasting tricks… You name it and they were probably going to try it.

And as much as I’m a strict believer in the “no pain no gain” narrative, I too practice holistic weight loss. Anything that moves the needle is a go-go.

So this article is exactly about that - whatever moves the needle downwards. Whether we are talking about a weird trick that will help you lose 2 pounds over a month, or one that goes in the background and improves your weight loss potential, here is where I spill the beans.

So let’s explore some proven yet seemingly unrelated tricks that you can try in order to lose that belly fat and improve your health.

Two flies with a single stroke… I’m pragmatic like that.

Spa centers are your friend

I believe in hard work and hustle, but what I want to believe more is enjoying comfort whenever you can. In a world where opportunities exist aplenty, I want to relax as much as I can.

Spa centers, then, are one of those places I want to frequent on regular basis.

And they are good not just for relaxation. It turns out that massages and saunas have a side effect of weight loss. Confusing, right? Let me elaborate…

A relaxation massage, though not intended for this purpose, is still going to affect your weight loss efforts.

Your stress drops, and with it cortisol levels as well. You will feel quite more rested and perform each exercise better the next couple of days too.

But what is more important is improving blood circulation and making fat tissue slightly easier to break down the following day.

Saunas can help even more

While a massage can have a minimal effect on weight loss, a single sauna stay will outrank the session nine ways to Sunday.

There is a cool business operating in Canada, named WaySpa, that lets you buy a Spa membership and use the members’ card in over 2000 Spa facilitates around the country. I would sure love to have that here.

But Sauna visits, unlike massage sessions, can happen once per month and still have a dramatic effect on weight loss.

Just find one near you and book an appointment. At first, if you are not really used to sitting in a humid and hot room, book a shorter session. Start with 15 minutes and increase by 5 with every next visit.

And here is what to expect…

Saunas will have your body doing few things in particular. First, you will sweat buckets- especially if you are new to this humid and hot environment.

Then – and this is the one that has a more lasting effect – your body will get rid of many toxins even within the first couple of minutes you start sweating. The more you stay, the more thorough the detoxification process is.

Your heart rate will go up, and you will start burning calories by just sitting there too.

Additionally, muscle tissue relaxes, and you will be able to approach workouts like the ones from Beachbody on Demand with more vigor and more stamina.

Have a short detox cleanse

How do you like the idea of eating nothing but smoothies for an entire day?

I don’t fancy it either.

But if you can spare a day off, and restrain yourself from physical activity, you can endure a 24 hour session without a problem.

Then, it’s only important to stay on a healthy and balanced diet the following day as well, paying attention not to overeat.

Show me a man who eats smoothies for a day, and I will show you a man who can eat a feast the following one.

The goal for this challenge is to bring your carb intake down to a minimum.

We humans, you see, are not built for consuming so much carbs. We can very well go with a low carb diet for months to an end. Ever heard about the Ketogenic diet?

So one day session won’t be a problem, theoretically speaking.

You will have a hard time adjusting though. So make sure to take one or two days prior where you will decrease your meat and poultry consumption, and you are good.

If you struggle, just remember this- losing few pounds in a single day was never easier. You won’t have to sweat your butt off, and you will still lose belly fat and drop a pound or two for good.

Cold baths

Contrary to the sauna logic above, a cold bath will force your body to burn extra calories. It will help you restore hormonal balance too, and that will further help your weight loss efforts.

At first, start with lukewarm water and try to decrease the temperature. Do this for a minute or two, until you found yourself bathing with cold water.

Additional 5 seconds of this and you are golden.

The following day – and yes there is a following day – just increase the length on the final 5 seconds cold bath. Add additional 5 seconds each day, until you hit a minute.

In less than two weeks, you will be showering with cold water for up to a minute, and your body will start to show the results.

Intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting comes in many forms, but for a beginner you should aim to achieve a simple goal. For starters, try to go 16 hours without food (counting the hours when you are in sleep), allowing yourself to eat just within an 8 hour frame.

Then, after a month or so, you can further decrease the frame in which you are allowed to eat- maybe down to 6 hours.

Overeating is not allowed, so this is about starving your body until it learns how to function with less food, draining energy from your fat tissue.

And you can guess what happens then. You will be losing belly fat and that stubborn fat tissue from your thigs faster than with any exercise.

There you have it- just few simple tricks that will help you approach your weight loss efforts more holistically, while still working hard and staying dedicated.

These tricks will help you walk your weight loss transformation with more ease, for you will be much more rested, and much more relaxed as well.

What is your trick to lose that extra weight? Share in the comments, so we can learn as well.

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