Interview #5 With Rachel Buschert - Founder of ‘Face Fear Fitness’

Embracing fitness for overall wellbeing is a topic widely discussed here at Lifestyle Updated. So is success and doing what you love while adding value to the community.

In this respect, today we have a special guest who I find to be a real inspirational figure and someone who enjoy doing what she loves and is passionate about.

Group fitness instructor, personal coach, founder of the Face fear fitness brand, cast of the proclaimed Insanity and Insanity: Asylum workout programs. If you are familiar with the fitness world even a tiny bit, you know we are talking about Rachel Buschert Vaziralli.

CEO of Rachel V fitness LLC, and also a teacher at Equinox in NYC, she is an active participant in the fitness revolution happening these recent years. Let us ask her some questions on fitness, her passion for the work, her view on success, and her lifestyle in general.

Hi Rachel and welcome to Lifestyle Updated, I’m sure our readers will enjoy having you here.

1. You are an athlete, trainer, dancer, motivator… What comes first? Or is it even possible to make such a distinction? What was it that set you off on this path?

I always loved dance. I moved to NYC in 1999 as a dance major at NYU. Post graduation I was struggling to make it as a dancer in the big apple. I ended up barely making ends meet as a waitress and bartender and ended up gaining a good 40 pounds. That was depressing!

It was then that I decided to make a life change for fitness, but I had no idea it would take me this far and that I’d be this into it!

First and foremost I am an advocate for fitness - my goal is to educate people in fitness truths and try to steer them clear of the myths and misinformation that abounds in this industry.

That is also what prompted me to get my masters in exercise physiology and cardiac rehabilitation and to launch my own brand F3 FACE FEAR FITNESS.

2. Being a part of the Insanity workout and the Asylum, as well as certified Equinox teacher and someone who stands behind Face fear fitness, it is safe to assume that you are one of those people who lead the revolution in fitness.

I’m not sure if I am yet but I certainly hope to be a leader! Especially being a female in an industry that’s been dominated by men for so long.

There’s a trend in women’s fitness right now that is embracing strong powerful athletic women, I am helping to define and shape that.

3. You have the gift to inspire, motivate and change peoples’ lives. What is the feeling like?

It is absolutely amazing to receive FB posts, class reviews, & emails from people that have in some way been motivated and inspired by my transformation story and my athletic achievements.

It’s a lot of pressure though too - I don’t want to let anyone down & I always want to be transparent, authentic, & accessible.

4. In a way, your story kind of inspires in itself -You were trying hard to make it in the Big Apple. This, you say, have went hand in hand with the unhealthy lifestyle and then you realized a change is needed. What happened?

I reached a breaking point- i was fat, fatigued, and hating my job. I wanted change but was expecting change to happen.

Then i realized that nothing comes of nothing, if I wanted change I would have to do something and do something drastic, and I did.

5. Projects like Insanity and Insanity the Asylum (which are to blame for my ever growing addiction towards fitness) are something every fitness aficionado dreams about. What was it like working with a fitness legend such is Shaun T?

Shaun is AMAZING. He really is a great guy and he was a huge mentor for me. I attribute so much of my success on the time I spent with him. Insanity and Asylum really did change my body, but also my life.

6. Tell me more about your work nowadays. What does your average day look like?

Average day: alarm goes off 5:05am, snooze until 5:07, breakfast (always!) of either a pre-made smoothie or a yogurt or oatmeal with berries.

Then it’s off to Equinox to teach 630AM cycle & 730AM Tabata, then it’s a snack/lunch and I either weight train or study until my next 2 cycling classes in the afternoon.

Get home at 4 for snack & homework, and maybe a 10 min nap then it’s off to grad school (I usually bike there) from 6-10pm. get home for dinner then bed… repeat!

7. I understand that cycling is a great passion of yours as well. Tell us about it, I’m sure some cycling junkies here would love to know more.

Well I teach 15 cycling classes a week, I travel on weekends to certify instructors in the Schwinn cycling program, occasionally help coach an all female triathlete team in the bike leg, and commute on my used Jamis into the city from Brooklyn most days.

On weekends when Im off i take out my specialized and ride with my buddies from Brooklyn to New Jersey to our favorife coffee spot. And I compete in an occasional duathlon for fun!

8. As you’ve mentioned many times, teaching fitness to groups is far more rewarding and filled with positive emotions. What is the beauty you find in it as opposed to teaching personal fitness sessions?

The energy of leading a room full of 40 people through a tough workout is like nothing else! When everyone is working hard the energy is literally tangible, awesome.

9. Tell me more about the “Face fear fitness” brand. What is the philosophy behind it?

For a long time I was so afraid of failure that I wouldn’t go for anything. It wasn’t until I finally admitted that fear that I could begin my weight lossless journey.

But I learned along the way that it was so much bigger than just weight loss. Once I started seeing I had the power to be disciplined, and to change my body, I was also no longer afraid to begin changing my life too.

10. Diet is a huge part of being healthy and staying fit. How do you keep staying on track?

I keep a food journal, I’m not super detailed with it but it keeps you focused and concious. And with the amount of training I do I make sure I get enough food!

11. When a certain regime is imposed into one’s lifestyle it seems like rules are girded too tight and it ends, more often than not, as an exercise in frustration. What do you think about this, is it possible to enjoy the discipline?

For sure. If I didn’t enjoy it I wouldn’t be doing it and I wouldn’t be so passionate about helping others find the joy in it.

Usually frustration comes because people set unrealistic goals and lack patience. Fitness is a process not a destination.

12. It is a rare thing being able to enjoy doing what you love. Hence, asking you what you do for fun is illogical in itself. But let me paraphrase - what are the things outside of work and fitness which excite you?

I love food! my husband is a foodie and chef and is a culinary events organizer. So i love eating his cooking and going to amazing restaurants in NYC.

I also love my 2 cats! and if I can get in to a yoga class on my downtime I’m always so happy I went.

13. Can you comprise, in one sentence, your advice on succeeding in fitness as well as all other aims in life?

You will get what you give so you must give every day, all day, & even in your dreams.

Thank you for finding the time Rachel. We wish you the best of luck with your work and to keep doing what you already do incredibly well.

As for you guys, you can connect with Rachel via her Twitter account and follow her work and fitness advice. You can also check her website and her fast growing fitness brand.

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