When you start to think about how we are expected to perform in almost any given area of our life, be that career, family life and so on, you will notice an interesting correlation between how successfully a certain task or goal has been reached with the introduction of deadlines and some sort of punishment. And while questioning common assumptions about how things work is something I usually care to advocate, the reality is that you can use this conditioning in order to perform better.
Read the rest of this article »Urban Biking - Another Lifestyle Update
For some years now there is this rapid trend of lifestyle design which gladly embraces the underground and casual. And you’ve probably noticed the telltale markings on one specific group: a single leg of skinny jeans rolled up, shirt unbuttoned as to cope with perspiration problems, retro helmet…
Read the rest of this article »Hitting The Lows Like a Pro - Restart Your Lifestyle
Rituals and routines are rooted deeply into how we conduct our lives. Throughout almost every stage of our childhood and all the way up to our adult lives we were conditioned to embrace rigid adherence to habits and rules we ourselves have set.
They give structure and discipline, they give purpose.
Experiences, Material Possessions And The Pursuit of Happiness
Living in a high-end consumer society it seems that money is the ultimate currency for experiencing happiness. Money allows you to buy stuff and then live a more fulfilled life. And have had this materialistic mantra drilled into our head time and again, but should the connection between money and happiness be thoroughly rethought?
Read the rest of this article »Hardcovers vs eBooks - Redefining Lifestyle
Living in a digitalized world it seems like the classic hardcover book quickly loses popularity. And for reasons outlined many times by the average iPad or Kindle junkie we are, one by one, led to believe that it’s best to throw whatever copy we have in our closet and start downloading books, storing them in our hard drives, tablets or whatnot.
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