Checking the comment section today, an interesting thought occurred to me. Going through couple of comments and answering them, I came to realize that there is a strong need that I sense, to connect with people who share the same frequency as I.
It is in our inherent nature, I assume, to form groups with people similar to us in any way, and such a need even though not fully realized may represent a strong drive for many of us.
Ignorant or not, about the fact that this behavior is deeply embedded in our code, we start a search for like-minded people, feeling happy beyond words when there are some out there.
And while like-minded circles are a crucial factor in many social relationships, they play one of the biggest roles in any form of self-improvement, or whatever personal growth we may come to talk about.
Like-minded people are nowadays easy to find, so we take them for granted
Nowadays society, being as it is, offers myriad of ways for us to connect with each other, to form those like-minded circles, enjoying the ride along with people who share the same views on matters important to us, and have a similar perception on the things that occupy us on daily basis.
We may argue over what it is that makes us overlook the importance of forming those like-minded circles, and while we are looking the answer between our perplexed nature of behavior, becoming more biased than ever while embracing individualism, or start taking things for granted, the resolve of this itself is not that important as the fact that we are indeed more reckless towards forming and maintaining those circles.
What is the benefit of being in a like-minded circle?
For starters we might begin with sharing similar goals and aspirations. And that is something which is utterly important since being similar to someone in this aspect suggests that you are both headed in the same direction.
Therefore, you can support each other, not only in terms of morale, but with practical knowledge that each of you take and bring back to the group. That way even the ones that are falling behind in the pursuit for their goals, are given a fair boost.
Also a great thing with being in a like-minded circle is always having someone to talk with about the things you are preoccupied with. And any of us headed for whatever aspect of self-improvement, knows by now that the more we are into it, the more we are likely to succeed. And having everyone else around you sharing your interests as opposed to ignoring them, you will be deeper into the game.
Like-minded people cooperate better and help each other
It’s an interesting fact that like-minded people tend to be better when going through some task as a group. Therefore, it’s logical to say that being in a group, a like-minded one, you can benefit a lot, since other members of that group will fill the gaps, helping you with anything you have a hard time with.
One research has indicated that people who exercise with accountability partners are less likely to skip days for workout, and far less likely to have more cheat meals and cheat days within a week.
The same can be said for people who undergo a radical lifestyle change. When we published our lengthy guide on carnivore diet, we decided to survey a bunch of people who are committed to this type of diet. It turns out that one of the strongest reasons for staying on track with the rigorous nutritional requirements is community, and being part of a group.
How to find people that share the same frequency as you?
We always find in our close friends something similar with what we are currently after, and try to push them towards it, make them our accomplice in what’s ahead.
This behavior is not strange however, since the need to have someone to improve alongside with is a justifiable one. It’s good to have someone who can recognize potential candidates for members of a like-minded group, as opposed to going the walk of self-improvement all by ourselves, hitting obstacles more often along the road.
The best thing to do, according to me, is to approach people that share the same frequency as you, and try to form a like-minded group.
There’s a powerful transformative effect when you surround yourself with like-minded people. Peer pressure is a great thing when it helps you accomplish your goals instead of distracting you from them.
~ Po Bronson
At least that’s easy today - we have more and more people interested in some form of self-improvement, and even if you cannot find some already caught up in this ongoing process, then, you can easily browse the web for like-minded circles, since there are social networks, and millions of blogs out there where people interested in one thing or another hang out.
And the thing is not to be afraid to contribute to the group, as well as be open for questions as well as suggestions and advice.
Running this blog, I came across many people that share my views and aspirations as well. Through my experience, connecting with them, it only strengthened my aspirations, my grip on goals ahead.
It gives you a support in a way, and even makes you feel better to an extent, knowing that there is someone who will gladly talk about the things you are willing to achieve and the things you are going through.
In similar fashion, we can find a spectrum of support and understanding that otherwise is not there, and realizing that being a part of a like-minded circle we are only closer to succeeding in our goals no matter how big they are, or how far they appear to be.