How to Improve your Self-Esteem - Some Practical Tips

Although we might find it hard to admit it, you gotta agree with me that a lot of us out there would use some sort of boost on our self-esteem.

I mean, how many times have you passed on some great opportunity for you just because you haven’t felt ‘ready’, or confident or whatever you gonna call it. In the end, it all has something to do with your self-esteem.

Therefore learning how to improve your self-esteem can be a truly life changing experience for most of us.

Now, here you can find quite a few practical tips that can ultimately point you in a right direction when you are looking for a way on how to improve your self-esteem.

Some of these tips can only provide a small short term boost to your self-esteem, while the others would require a change in your lifestyle. Either way, combined together they can make a significant change in your lifestyle and life in general.

When I feel like my self-esteem needs a little boost, I go with couple of these, and the next thing you know, I already feel more confident in myself.

Also have in mind that there are no magic tricks or instant improvement tips for your self-esteem, instead it’s a process, which in some cases can be a lengthy one. But with you reading this stuff, you’ll already be better than the most out there trying the exact same thing.

Now, let us cut straight to the case here. That’s why you came here at the first place.

1. You need to identify the negative beliefs

If you’re ever going to learn how to improve your self-esteem, it is important to understand as much as you can about your deepest negative beliefs and ultimately where they came from and why they suddenly come to the surface.

I’ll be honest here, this could be a rather lengthy and painful process as you’re going to face yourself and explore your deepest emotions. So it will be a good idea to have some support from some friend, family or partner.

It will be helpful to use some notes and just keep asking questions and try to answer them as comprehensive as you can, while writing down the answers on the notes.

Also, you can use these questions in the process:

What do you consider to be your weaknesses or failures?

What do you think the others think about you, and do you care about their opinion?

What are the situations in which these feelings are most evident?

How would you sum yourself up in a couple of sentences? Ask a friend to (realistically) do the same for you. Compare it.

2. How to improve your self-esteem? - Go and challenge yourself

Try to do something new, something you haven’t done before, something that can put you in a position to experience the same old uncomfortable one. Challenge yourself.

With this, you can expand your own limitations and start to gain some confidence in your own abilities, directly reflecting your self-esteem and how many things you can actually do.

Now, remember it takes a lot of courage to do this, to break out of your comfort zone. But it can help you tremendously by improving you self-esteem and also teaching you a new way on how to improve your self-esteem.

3. Start to exercise

This one is reported to make a huge change on the self-esteem of many people. And it’s certainly a logical claim, I mean with exercising you’re taking care of your health and your physical appearance which will ultimately improve your self-esteem.

Also, the regular exercises will greatly increase your energy levels and in the process will produce various chemicals and hormones – for example testosterone and endorphins – which will affect your general mood and put you in a more positive state of mind.

Reading motivational quotes for athletes by athletes has helped me to transform my body, into a healthy, strong, agile and muscular machine, and I’ve coached a lot of people to achieve the same results.

4. Improve your social skills.

The relationships with other people are one of the most important areas of life and one are which can have a serious impact on your self-esteem.

With learning how to improve your social skills you’re also learning how to improve your self-esteem, and it’s definitely one of the first things you should look into.

Improving your social skills will also result in finding a larger confidence in your social skill-set, which can be a huge boost not just for your self-esteem, but also for your life as a whole.

5. Positive thinking

This can be a struggle at first, learning how to see the world and your life in it, in a more positive way can be a bit difficult on the beginning and will take some time.

In order to achieve this, you’ll have to change your sources of information, and I’m not referring only to the web pages, newspapers or TV programmes, I’m also talking about the people that surround you.

These people can have a huge impact on your way of seeing the world, but more importantly the way you see yourself, therefore directly impacting your self-esteem.

Learning how to improve this aspect of your life and selecting the ones which you let in your circle will also result in having a better understanding on how to improve your life in general.

Whatever that we do, or encounter in life, is immediately measured within our mind, within our own perception. Because of this we tend to label things as good or bad; our actions as appropriate or not; satisfying our standards or not even being close to them.

Improving our perception and acceptance of ourselves will be lot more easier with applying these simple techniques. It will improve our life while improving our self-esteem.

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