Have you ever thought about this before? I bet you have. I know I have. A lot in fact. You see, often times we are thinking about the perfect life, the perfect career, the perfect relationship, perfect reflection in the mirror. But what then? Huh?
Have you asked yourself what will you do if anything fits perfectly into the puzzle? Will you stop doing what you do now, forget about making schedules, stop investing in yourself ?
In order to fully understand our character, our persona, and equally well answer the question about what is our drive in life, we should think about what our perfect day should look like.
Things like family, career, personal growth of any kind, can be measured and weighted by order of how important they are to us, only by making the schedule of our perfect day.
What are the six main categories ?
If you think more about it you will come to realize that the things that you do every day reflect your interest towards life, or more specifically some segments of it.
So in order to reconcile with your inner voice, you must come in terms with the things you would do throughout the day. And there you would recognize your true interests, evaluate each and every one of them individually, albeit unknowingly for the time.
You prioritize on daily basis, without having the clue that you are deciding things on the long run as well. And somehow when you give it a thought you can see that things fall under couple of main categories, or aspects of the modern everyday life.
So, we have:
- Family and friends
- Spirituality
- Career
- Personal development of any kind
- Finances
- Society and adding value to it
So now thinking about the perfect day is quite easy. Go on, see what happens. Reminisce about the last couple of days, and see where you at. What does it say about you, how your day fits into these categories?
Or if you don’t think that these last couple of days describe you in the right fashion, go on and think in retrospect, what is your perfect day, balanced between all of the aspects listed above or centered on only one if that suits you.
If you are not finding yourself in it, and don’t quite like the picture that has been painted so far by what you do, then go ahead and rethink stuff, and try to prioritize back again.
I, personally, consider that diversity in life has a lot to give. So prior to that, my contention is that all of the above aspects should be almost equally present in our lives.
And taking back things again on the small scale, that means that each and every day should represent exactly that. Having equally shared our time, or maybe with some priorities above others, to these six categories.
So what this says about you?
If you thought that it defines you in a way, you guessed right. We can evaluate someone priorities or passions simply by following his day, and his pattern of behavior throughout it.
And there is also another truth in all of this, and it is that if we stop doing the things that reflect us and our priorities on daily basis we quickly lose the grip on ourselves, and our reality. It becomes something entirely else in an instance.
I guess that’s why athletes never change a lot when it comes to daily schedule, and like to keep things neat and organized. They know exactly why they are doing the thing they do, and they also know that if they stop doing it their everyday will change in an instance.
And their lifestyle will no longer reflect their passion, and it will not be soon before they start changing the picture of themselves, and their priorities too.
So you must do whatever that is you want to do, and arrange to have time for all of that in your day schedule, in order to be, and live the picture you have of and for yourself.
What is your perfect day ? Precedent or a routine?
My belief is that here is where success is made. Here is where having your passion and your reality meet together. Here is where you enjoy life, stay true to yourself, and improve yourself alongside with the people around you.
That is of course if your answer to the above question was not precedent. Because if you have your perfect day only once or handful of times, then you probably aren’t knees deep in what I came up with above for wealth and wellbeing.
How can you experience true success, and even joy and happiness if you label all of the other days as not perfect? As not good enough to what you believe should be your daily schedule.
Make your perfect day a routine, a habit. Make every day count from here on now when taking a retrospective look in the future. Know that every day you work towards your priorities, and prior to them you shape your actions. Let every day describe you and your perfect state of mind.
And do it consistently, because there is never status quo in life - We either progress, or retrograde. Do the things that you consider important, and let them build you further more.
I will leave you with a quote:
Because the moment you stop doing the very things that got you to the top of the mountain is the very moment you begin the slid down to the valley.
~ Robin Sharma