Life has its ups and downs in many aspects. The thing is that we always try to adapt to them, learn as we go along the way. But, you see, that’s the thing about improving your life - you make little changes that will reflect big time whenever something new occurs. Many people that followed this blog for a while are mainly here because of the fresh breath of ideas presented here from time to time.
And that’s the good thing about being a part of a community. You always hear something new, something challenging, and something that provokes a second thought. The need of such outlets as blogs are, deeply represent the emerging need of change.
It’s the western style of life mixed with some eastern philosophy that shape the believe system, way of life, way of perceiving things among the bigger part of the world nowadays I guess. Globalization is evident now more than ever, and in turn many people are going through the same experiences, ergo the same problems.
But being able to clearly see the loop in this way of life gives you the upper hand, and makes you realize that as one part of society dictates the standards and the way of life, another blindly follows. And here you must decide- whether on one hand you will follow whatever that is dictated upon you or you will simply try and change things in order to improve your whole way of living on the other.
Acknowledging the routine
And while majority goes for the latter the harsh truth that is to face is that many of us were never even prepared to pave a different, yet worth-following path. You see, it’s easy to follow trends; easy to stick your nose into what is dictated worldwide; even easier not to question all of that.
But the tough part is to try and change all of that; escape the trend; abandon the routine; try and see in which aspects we alone can do much better. And it was tough years back, tougher still when global trends emerged. As much as we are feeding each other with support, share a lot of enthusiasm and fully embrace our believes in like-minded circles, nowadays we cannot seem to catch a break.
The global trends that occur worldwide are more of a reflection to our linear approach towards everything around us, and more and more people are tilting towards unhealthy habits, that simply put became a routine, an addiction, even. This sometimes knows how to undermine our efforts.
Finding your circle will help you change
However here is the BUT. Having such places as this one to connect with each other in terms of sharing believes, challenging ourselves to reach, and even make a step outside of the box, is more than great. That’s the thing I guess with all of us- we always want something more from life, something better. And that’s justifiable without excuse.
But it’s objectivity that makes the difference. It’s acknowledging that need of change that grows from the individual and finally reflects upon society which makes all progress possible. That “Ah-ha!” moment that makes us not satisfied with the mediocre, that makes us willing to grow. And the more we put the stress on it the more we will in turn change for better.
So look up for people that share your passion, your interests, and the identical drive for change. Find them, surround yourself by them, and together it’s more likely that you will not only reach for change, but see it materializing instead.
The great thing today is that technology made things easier for us. You just have to organize your efforts and stick to it.
It’s easy now more than ever to find your like-minded fellows all around the world, and share with them what is that you need to share. You will be able to help others recognize the need for change (like this blog is trying in a way), learn from them as well, broaden the parameter of your perception, be part of something that will make a difference, even in terms of individuality.
All that, while enjoying the progress you are achieving and the change you are undergoing. If you asked for motivation in lack of any, here you will have plenty. Such communities are known more than anything else to boost your motives, and make them rock solid.
But do not be afraid to go and seek for people wherever you can. The ones that may challenge you and provoke you in furthermore strengthening your believes might be anywhere around.
Make that step, and start to join more and more communities, go to that reading group, start jogging, follow those people on twitter… Don’t be afraid to jump in into the unknown. Chances are you will find that like-minded circle, and expand it even more.
The change is possible after acknowledging the need for it, and then making that first step towards better life.